Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Seperation of Church and Art

If art defines us, then where is it now?
Christians ignore it because some may bow
If art refines us, then why can I not see?
Christians hide it, because some ignore the good book

I am not that “some”, so please give me back my art
Pictures aren’t the problem, the problem is their heart
I beg you dear Christians, stop sheltering yourselves
Look at you Bible; take it down off your shelves

Isn’t the Bible itself a picture of God’s love?
But you look at it as a mystery from above
Give me an art piece; I’ll interpret it for you
But give you a question and you don’t know what to do

Art is our way of bringing the world into view
But Christians won’t see it from inside their pew
They have blinded themselves to the world around them
And now the church is coming apart at the hem

Give us our art; I beg you please
I cannot be the only one who sees
Christians need art like the world needs Christ
Because it gives us a glimpse of heavenly sights

Why should we shun depictions of creation?
Why should we keep the church and art separation?
Christians of now rally against history
Break tradition’s chains to set us all free

1 comment:

  1. Nudes are so diverse;
    We're not allowed to speak of,
    Or love His pure work
