Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Dreams that Never Were


Earlier this week, I saw this film in Storyboard and Concept (some of y'all animators probably will see this film in the nearish future. Brace yourself, this film is coming). It's called "I Live on the Moon", which is a pretty average name if you think about it. However, if you watch the film, it is clearly anything but ordinary.

One of the things that I love so much about this film is the way that they use such long flowing motions to add to the characters. It seems to just make movements timeless. I love when Little Brother is riding the Manta Ray... The animation along with the song takes me to a place that I can honestly say that I do not get to go often.

This story really builds off of the fantasy of imagination. In the beginning, everything is very subdued. The colors are dull, and the environment was simple. Then, out of nowhere, Big Brother tells a story. A story that plants a seed. A seed that grows a hope. A hope that lives the dream.

On a non-class topic, if you guys want to read the blog comics of some of the more advanced animation classes (sorry, live action... the comics are still hilarious!), you can click >here< for the Storyboard class that I am currently in (my comics are there... and you should read them, and maybe share them with someone close... not in proximity, but in relation...), or ~here~ for the ever lovely Advanced Development class' comics (WARNING: the Ad Dev class has wrestler themed characters, and some of the said characters curse sometimes. If you're sensitive to that, don't click. You're missing out, though).

Ok, that is all. You lovelies have a great class, and I'll pop in again sometime. ;) (Side note, I have teal bangs now, but that doesn't mean that I wont help you if you need me. Say hey if you see me on campus!)

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