Thursday, September 19, 2013

Man Bought a House

The main theme in Tuesday's class was about love and how to perceive it. Toward the end of class we watched several short films on that subject but the one film that I believe I like the most, the one I want to talk about is, Man Bought a House. Since the only people who read these blogs are fellow classmates, I won't bother to tell you what you already know about how the story goes, but I do want to at least make mention the part I want to focus on. In the story the rat received three of what she perceives as gifts, it being the rat poison which was the greatest treat she ever tasted, the bear trap which she perceived as a beautiful piece of mechanical art, and the severed cattail she wore as a scarf. The rat couldn't makes sense to why he was being so nice to her. She thought he must really love her to be doing all this. What I thought was so great about this film was to me this love story seemed so innocent as if I was perceiving love through the eyes of a child. It seems like as adults we relate to love as desiring the most beautiful and sexy beings whereas in this story, looks don't mean anything rather it is the character of the man that brought on the rats love and it was the rats love that brought on his love. Whether you're attractive or as ugly as a rat means nothing to a child. I guess the point I'm trying to make is, it's strange that by seeing things through a child's point of view  reminded me about what true lasting love really is. I'm not sure if that's what the director was trying to convey but that's what I got from it.

1 comment:

  1. " I guess the point I'm trying to make is, it's strange that by seeing things through a child's point of view reminded me about what true lasting love really is. I'm not sure if that's what the director was trying to convey but that's what I got from"

