Sunday, September 8, 2013

Stick it to the Man?

     So my thoughts on School of Rock...I came into the movie with the idea that I would be carefully observing every aspect of the film in order to break it down well in my blog, but I wound up being completely immersed in the film and forgot all about that around 20 minutes in. Needless to say I thought it was a good movie. Even though I can't say I'm a fan of any particular rock band, I am a huge fan of rock music and the electric guitar so the music was right up my alley. 
     What interested me the most about the movie though was its slogan "Stick it to the man," I find it funny how the whole quest of Dewy was to shun the ways of society and carve his own way, but in so doing he becomes a responsible adult...well a more responsible adult at any rate. Not only that but his entire class somewhat embodies this transition as well. By "Sticking it to the man," ergo not doing their proper schoolwork all while hoodwinking the school faculty and their parents alike, they become proficient at real life valuable skills such as stage management, working together as a team and presenting their ideas to the public view, a very important part of the arts industry.
     There is a very distinct dichotomy between being responsible and being rebellious and the whole idea that being responsible is part of growing up. You can see this theme echoed in the principal of the school when she says she wasn't always so up tight. The best part about their portrayal of these themes however is that they never really have that moment where the main character has to choose whether to be a rebel or a responsible person. Both halves of that coin are used to make ends meet all the way to the end of the film. I feel that so many people are too eager to "grow up" and they forget that being youthful and creative is important too. If everyone just "grew up," got "real jobs" and were "responsible" all the time, life would be less like living and more like an assembly line if you ask me. By the same token though, if all you do is dream all day and never actually work towards your dreams, then they never happen. A balance must be struck between work and play to have a full life, and I think this movie demonstrates this idea very well.

1 comment:

  1. "I have been touched by your kids... and I'm pretty sure that I've touched them."

    Haha on a more serious note, I didn't even notice the way the movie tied in responsibility and rebelliousness at the end like that! I feel as though that's a really important aspect of the movie, and I think it's awesome you saw that! I never even considered that until I read your post, and you're completely right! Growing up is a mix that we need to find a balance for!
