Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dancing Through Contrast

This weekend I watched an old Universal Studios cartoon that I have wanted to see since I was, oh, at least in 6th grade.  It was Cats Don’t Dance, a sort of musical about animals that were trying to make it in the movies.  The reason I bring this up is not just because it is fresh in my mind.  There is a section in the film that reminds me of the clips shown from Pleasantville in class. 
Danny is trying to get the other animals to remember their dreams of when they first came to Hollywood.  As each remembers, their color becomes more vibrant and alive.  In this way it reminds me of Pleasantville.  The contrast of dull or black/white shows the life that is in the film.  As the colors become more vibrant, the image seems livelier, more full of dreams.  The people of Pleasantville, those who dabble in the newfound color see the dream and beauty of experiences.

While I know the difference that colors make in images, I never really thought of how the appearance of contrasts could work together to convey the experience of life.  From art, I knew that the same picture done in different colors (warm versus cool) could make it seem more warm and welcoming or darker/different time of day.  I thought that it was very interesting how the feeling of life could also be portrayed this way.

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