Monday, September 9, 2013

School of Rock

First of all I was unable to make it to see School of Rock at the MCA so I guess I will not be getting extra credit but I have seen this movie. I like what Kyle Murray said at the end of his blog, "a balance must be struck between work and play to have a full life," and I believe that's the main lesson in this story. In left there seems to be a division between work and play, succeeding monetarily or psychologically, working for the sole purpose of making money in order to function in society or playing by doing what you love in life. Jack Black played by doing that which he loved which is to Rock, his friend and roommate also love to Rock but gave it up to work to make ends meet and function in society. Jack Black didn't want to give up his love in life but felt he had to or he would get kicked out of his apartment. At the end he figured out how to merge the two by making his love in live his main source of income (making work his play time) which is how I believe adults play in life.

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