Tuesday, September 3, 2013

RyanWoods Introduction

Hello! My name is Ryan Woods, I was born in California and moved here when I was 7 years old. I've lived in Huntington ever since. I've been a part of the soccer team all through high school and did a little bit of track too. I truly enjoyed any and all of the art classes I took in high school from photography, to jewelry crafting, to graphic design. Once graduating high school I went to Columbus College of Art and Design for a year, then transferred to Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne for a semester, finally I landed here at HU. I am beginning my fourth year of college this semester, hoping to graduate in a year. You may see me longboarding through campus in my free time, other than that I enjoy lounging at my apartment, playing Magic, or playing on my computer. Weekends I'm often spending time with my fiance who is attending Ball State University. In my artwork I tend to push for realism, and the same goes for animation. My intended focus is in 3D. I'm trying to stick with character animation and design, But I like to do much more. Once again my name is Ryan Woods, and please don't be insulted if I cannot recall your name, I'm terrible with names. =)

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