Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let Me Introduce Myself

I'll keep this brief.

Hello, everyone! This is Adam Konger, fashionably late as always.
Some say I look like a mixture of Johnny
Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio.

I am from the small town of South Whitley, Indiana (about a half hour drive north through the cornfields), and I'm currently a freshman studying film production.

Movies have always been my passion ever since I was young, and I'm sdryo blessed to be able to come to Huntington and use actual cameras instead of my old Flip Video camera (RIP) to make movies.

Besides movies (because I like to see myself as a well balanced person) I enjoy running slowly for short distances, playing sports poorly, and trying to make comprehensible melodies come out of my Ibanez Gio.

Anyway I hope to get to know you all well. I'm usually somewhat friendly so don't be afraid to say hi.

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