Monday, September 23, 2013

Prince of Egypt

The other night, a group of friends and I got to get her to watch a some movies. The first was The Prince of Egypt. This is the animated Exodus story for lack of a better description that it clearly deserves. I loved this movie so much as a kid, and now, seeing it again after so long, I'm noticing so many little things that I never saw before.

One thing in particular that I noticed was the foreshadowing in one scene. Later in the movie, Moses comes to Ramses during the plague of darkness and tries to talk to him and reason with him as a brother and friend. This is right before Ramses son comes in telling his father that he's scared of all the dark. The kid continues on, basically changing Ramses mind on how he sees his once brother.

After this point, there is no chance of reasoning with Ramses. He has made his decision. When Moses tries to tell him to make the right choice, Ramses becomes annoyed and basically prophesies his own son's death.

"And there shall be a great cry in all of Egypt, such as never had been or ever will be again!"

To which Moses replies with, "Ramses, you bring this upon yourself."

Don't prophesi so lightly and generally, oh pharaoh.

The one thing that really completed this scene though, is the picture of Ramses son standing at the base of a wall that once troubled Moses' mind and led to the changing of himself. On the wall are pictures of his father as pharaoh commanding the mass murder of the children of the Israelites. Along with this image is a horrific scene of the Egyptian guards throwing the children into the water, where they sink and are devoured by alligators/crocodiles.

When Ramses said that there would be a great cry through all of Egypt, worse than the scene from that wall, he didn't know just how right he was. And his son standing at the base of the scene in the water with the dying children just sets the scene so much more.

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