Monday, September 23, 2013

The Story of Anvil

Sunday night at Signs and Wonders show the movie "The Story of Anvil". At the beginning of the movie I thought to myself ,"oh no what have I agreed to watch". It started out with the history of Anvil at its prime, they did everything (or almost everything) that society shuns. One clip, they showed an old 1980s talkshow interviewing the singer, instantly I laughed seeing all these proper, well-dressed, civilized people in the audience with the talkshow host standing among them, facing the stage where the rough looking Anvil singer dress in his usual rock cloth was sitting. He was clearly out of his environment. To make things worse, the talkshow host was reading the lyrics to one of his songs. All I will say is, it was about sex. The audience was gasping in disapproval as it was being read. The host intent was clearly to prosecute him and instead of the singer drooping his head in shame, he was laughing. Seeing this clip answered the question I had at the time, which is, why purposely do all that which is offensive to society. I think the band was trying to make a point. If it was up to man to judge who would go to heaven or hell, heaven would be a lonely place to be. That's not to say, what the band was doing is justifiable but rather to say, people tend to focus on the wrong things. Remember how in the Bible, the Pharisees would make all these laws on the Sabbath like, you can't walk through a wheat field because that may cause wheat to fall to the ground and that's considered harvesting or if you throw a ball in the air and catch it with the same hand, that's considered work. The Pharisees were focusing on the wrong things, and they hated Jesus because he called them out on it. Jesus and Anvil message was similar but their delivery are like POLAR OPPOSITES. But back to the movie, after about 10 min. of revealing Anvils history, the film cleaned up its content somewhat and it turned out to be an enjoyable film. I would talk more about this movie but this blog is too long for my liking.

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