Monday, September 23, 2013


     Compared to Spinal Tap, Anvil was great. It was about real people (it particularly followed this one member of the band who goes by Lips), and though it seemed kind of out there in the beginning, by the end I totally fell in love with the band. Guess I should start listening to them now!

I figure if I make more cartoons people will read these posts. It also happened to be my face when I saw Anvil. These laptop mouse pictures are so quality.

          I actually walked in a bit late because I thought it started at 9, and I heard there was a guy who played a guitar with a dildo. Though impressive, I'm still a bit glad I missed that. The movie was really feel- good and really enjoyable. As I watched the movie continue to follow their journey, I realized that they did it for the love of music and not just for the money. For those of you who haven't seen it, these guys have been in the band for around thirty years at this point (the movie was made in about 2006, I believe), and still haven't got a huge break. They booked tours that were lame (not even 50 people showed up), but by the end they got booked for a tour in Tokyo in a stadium for 20,000 and weren't sure if anyone was going to show up, and it had me secretly hoping there'd be a big turnout. THERE WAS!!! 
     It was so great to end the movie with a huge turnout of people after seeing all they've gone through for the band, and yet still staying true to their families and friends. As I got to know the members more, it turned into a sort of redemptive story. It's kind of hard to explain; I'm really tired.
     Regardless, the movie was wonderful. There's not really much else to say. You really get attached to Lips and the members of his band, and it's even better because the band is alive and still going today.

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