Created in 1952 for shonen magazine by Japanese cartoonist Osamu tezuka(also known to many as the god of manga), Astro boy(or the Mighty Atom literally translated in Japanese) focuses on the life of a small robot boy named Astro. Astro is created by top scientist of Dr. Tenma, leader of the ministry of science, after his son Tobio is killed in an unfortunate car crash. The loss of his child causes the doctor to go into a state of insanity, and in this state the doctor decides to re-create his lost son.
It takes about a year, and no other doctors will debate helping Tenma in his robotic crusade because they feel sorry for him knowing he has lost his son. When building is complete, Tenma activates Astro and informs him of his purpose, to live the life that was taken from Tobio. At first, everything goes well and everyone lives happily. Soon however, Tenma discovers that as a robot, Astro is absolutely in-capable of growth. This drives the demented doctor into a rage, and he soon sells Astro to a travel circus to be rid of him.
After watching Astro perform in the circus, the new leader of the ministry of science, Dr. Ochanomizu buys Astro and gives the robot a new, better life full of care and adventure. Of course Astro comes across many evil robots and criminals with plans for global domination and other gruesome schemes. This is the story of Astro boy, the cosmic ranger who laughs at danger.
In 1963, after many popular years as a manga, many fans joined readership of Astro's adventures, and history was made as Astro boy became the first manga to ever be animated and put on television. The result was an overwhelming success, so much so that 52 episodes of the series were brought to the United States and can be viewed on websites such as youtube. More series were made for Astro in the 1980's and early 2000's. In 2009, a feature film was released to lukewarm reviews.

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