Saturday, September 14, 2013


So I guess I’ll be the one to kick off the blogging about the faculty art show.

First of all I thought everything was really great, and I was encouraged that these talented people are the ones teaching us.

The things that interested me most though were the 3d pieces, as seeing them was a unique experience that could only be done at an art show like this. It was really cool to be able to circle around the objects and look at them close up, seeing all the little details the creators put into them, such as the texture on St. Thomas’ clothes.

Another cool thing about the 3d pieces was the variety. Whenever I thought about ceramics I would only think of boring clay pots. The shapes would vary a little, but the main thing would be the different paint jobs. I had no idea that how you put a piece in a kiln would change how it looked. Furniss’ ancient-looking pots were unique and so much different than Coffman’s work, who also surprised me with some not-pot-like pieces like the Cheshire Cat.

But that’s what was the coolest thing about this art show. I saw how every faculty artist is talented, but none in the same way, and I’m so glad that we have all these different approaches to art to learn from.  

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