Friday, September 13, 2013

Chipotle's rise against processed food

Over the years we as a country have become a lot more lazy when it comes to food. I watched a little animation by Chipotle today. Yes the Mexican grill restaurant with the huge burritos that are all about organic ingredients. The video is called The Scarecrow, and it depicts a scarecrow going to work in what seems to be a big manufacturing company. Throughout His journey it shows different products being produced and different types of common practices of what some would call animal cruelty that happen in just about every food chain these days. All the while this is being depicted Fiona Apple is singing Pure Imagination from Willy Wonka.

I have been interested in food for quite a while now. I wanted to be a Chef at one point and have been curious about vegetarianism and veganism as well. I have watched several documentaries on the subject of food and where it comes from. A lot of which talk about how we are rapidly running away from whole foods, and running towards processed foods. I like this video because it is different. It is showing that even though the times are changing and adapting to these harmful ways of making food faster, Chipotle is going to take a stand and use organic foods. It is a gutsy thing to do, but I respect them for releasing this video. To some it may be considered a wake up call, to others just a neat way to show that they use organic ingredients. The animation was awesome in my opinion, and the song choice was very interesting. I think that they chose this song for a reason. I definitely think they are trying to get a message across to people and I hope people can see it. Also, if you watch the video, don't mind the game app thing at the end. It was kind of pointless and I don't know why they put it in.

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