Monday, September 16, 2013

My DRUG of choice

I feel it in my veins and in my brain. Colors burst in front of me and everything becomes more vivid. My body feels the adrenaline rush and my mind becomes one with my heart.  When I take this drug I know I will have a good time. I know I will see the world in a different way. I know that when I take this drug all my worries will be gone. This is a psychoactive drug that clicks a chemical reaction in my nervous system. Nothing can compare to the drug of my choice; art.

Whenever I feel like I’m falling deep down a hole I paint. When I want to go to a different world I draw. Whenever I paint my mind expands and a whole new world opens. Whenever I feel sad art relaxes me. I don’t think I need to use other drugs. Why would I use other drugs when art pumps like the blood in my veins? i know it sounds tragic but I can’t live without art. Art ignites my mind just like MDMA. I don’t care if you think I’m strange but art makes me feel good. Not even Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds makes me feel the way art does. Art acts as my painkiller and if that makes me an addict then take me to rehab.


  1. This was so beautifully written; I feel the same way!

  2. This was so beautifully written; I feel the same way!
