Thursday, September 5, 2013

King and Lionheart

     Of Monster and Men's music videos are some of the most beautifully made (and touching) videos I have ever seen for music. I'm not sure why I feel the need to post about things that get you right in the heart but, pack your bags, there's a surprise "feels" trip coming with this one.
     After watching their first music video for "Little Talks" I was very excited to hear they were making another video. The way they create the world in the video is fantastically done. And I was not disappointed by this video either. Although I wasn't expecting the scenes that I would be watching. They have a way of making their videos with messages that you'd never think of by just listening to the song itself. Oh no no. And the way they use colors in their videos... Just... Beautiful really. The bright colors to make you focus on certain things throughout the video. The mixture of the computer animation and the real humans makes it seem like it could be a real legit movie in the theater.
     So it starts off as a sad scene with a sister and brother being torn away from each other, destined to never see one another again and basically taken captive (they make it seem like child slavery really). Throughout the video, animal spirits help them escape their respective captors and eventually sacrifice themselves to reunite the two. But the ending is definitely one I myself didn't expect. It's a cliffhanger, and after crying through that much of video, I would like to think they were reunited and lived happily. But the ending suggests otherwise. I actually like that they didn't give an ending, it actually adds to the video in my opinion. It gives you more to think about then just: "Oh, everyone died, that's cool." or something like that.
     The story this video tells is tragic, with sparks of hope, but never knowing the end of it all. 


  1. I love Of Monsters and Men! DId you see the trailer for the Secret Life of Walter Mitty? They use a song from them as well.

  2. Ooooh, no I haven't but I will definitely go see it now. I love the band so much.
