Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I can hear the screaming.

     I think we all can. When something affects us, it haunts the back of our mind and scurries around in our thoughts as we go about our daily routine.
     The images stay with us forever.
     After a while, though, we learn to cope with that bothers or disturbs us. We have all done wrong things. We all have regrets.
     Sometimes those memories resurface after years, causing us to face what we've done in the past. If you don't learn to deal with your previous actions, you won't be able to deal with them when you put it off for another time.
     The thing is, it's okay to be disturbed or bothered by something. At least for a time. You're allowed to feel. You're allowed to think about what has happened. Though this is fine, you shouldn't dwell on it for too long, or it'll consume you from the inside out. At the same time you shouldn't shut it out completely, because you'll have to deal with the consequences of that tenfold when it comes back, and you won't be ready.
     I'd say that this film was, without a doubt, meant to challenge. It's sometimes so hard to deal with our past as humanity, but we have to remember what happened so history won't repeat itself. This, I think, can also be applied to the tragedies and bad decisions that we've made prior to today. Sometimes they echo in the back of our mind while we eat, or sleep, or go to work, or even get a haircut. They reverberate in our heads while we dream.
     We all have trucks filled with regret driving around in our mind. We can all hear the screaming.

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