Monday, September 2, 2013

Intro to Me!

Hi there! My name's Curtis Russel and there are three things you need to know about me: video games, anime, single. I'd normally leave it at that, but since I added a neat little picture of me in a tree, I'm a slight bit obligated to give you more info. 

Allow me to elaborate on two of the three things you now know about me. 

Firstly, video games. If you've ever seen this name/avatar...

...Odds are it's probably me! 

Now I know what you're thinking, "What's more to say? You're a gamer." Well you're not wrong, but there's much more to being a gamer than just "playing games." For instance, there are the "COD fans" or those who play Call of Duty, and are pretty chill folks who like to hang out and watch digital bodies spew fountains of red pixels when they die. Then you have guys like me who play games like EVE Online, a game notorious for it's long, drawn out battles between thousands of players (at the same time!) However, because of the inherent complexity of the social structure of EVE, it also means that to get anywhere in the game, you need friends. And I don't mean friends like "Friend One and Friend Two are shelling me out money, Friend Three, work on making me popular!" No, friendships in EVE are much more complicated and meaningful. I can honestly say that I value the friends I've made in this game more than I do many of the friends I have in real life (though the term 'real' is subjective), because to me, EVE is real.

Rather, it's the unique and meaningful social interaction I have in the games I play that makes me enjoy them, not necessarily the gameplay. After all anything can be fun with a few good friends!

Second, anime. Shortly spoken, I've learned more about life and reality from anime than I've ever learned from teachers or role models. In fact, my role models are people who don't even exist. Take a gander at these two movies and see what I mean.

Now you see a little of how I function, and how I think and feel. Being able to understand others feelings completely is a gift I thank God for, since it's the one gift that allows we as humans to reach out to other humans. Without it, we are callous individuals who would never interact. Single, solitary beings who exist all unto ourselves. That's not a world I think anyone of us want. So perhaps you too will see what anime can do for you, and how it can motivate you to be more than what you are.

Thanks for reading :D I hope you enjoyed it Also, videos make a post SOOOO much more enthralling. That's right; enthralling. Words are awesome ^___^

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