Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Georgia Lee

I can already tell that this section is going to be very tough; I do not like tragic/sad images, songs, or movies. Mainly, I do not like what they do to me.  The clips shown, while they were on difficult subjects, did not drive as deeply into me as the music, particularly “Georgia Lee.”  Even now, as I write, I can’t stop being sad.  Perhaps it is because Tom Waits words speak so close to the silence that can be felt all around.
            It also isn’t so much the music rather than the words and how I think about it.  It is kind of similar to what Professor Leeper said about how people are more upset that a bad word was spoken rather than that 3000 kids died.  I can understand that because, and this probably sounds bad, 3000 is just a number.  What I mean is that if you don’t pay attention to what words are actually being said, then they are just words; is not meaning.  But when the words are place with pictures, expression, or music/voices, then it is harder to ignore.  The way that Tom Waits sings, his voice and the drawn out of words, make it difficult to not hear what he says.
This is what your song made me feel like!

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