Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Class 9/5

So I couldn't think of what to post for our last class until now. And you can easily see that this had to have taken my whole weekend to think this through.

I've been listening to Fiona Apple's Across the Universe a lot over the past few days. It's just such a great song. And at first I loved it because of the tune and the overall sound, but now that I've listened to it multiple times, I've started trying to read into the lyrics a little.


Other people might interpret this song/music video differently, but to me it's actually kind of reflecting my personal statement on why I draw anchors in personal descriptions, on my hands, on name tags (I did have one on the fun name tags we created in our first few days here). This reason being that God is the anchor and holds me to what I know to be true and right, as well as who I really am, no matter where I go or what happens around me.

In the song she says over and over again, "Nothing's gonna change my world," as all of these random things are being smashed in the background, and the screen turns completely upside down and back again with the still sad scene in the background. Yet she's smiling and ignoring it all. She never steps on broken glass or gets shoved by the people or hit with falling objects.

Nothing going on around her will change her personally. She's totally fine with all of this because she knows that if she doesn't pay attention to it, it won't change her. This is what most people fail at. Scratch that, this is what ALL people fail at. There's always that one tempting picture or that one movie that we just have to see even though we know it won't be the best influence on us and it might have one of those rated R moments in it.

*le gasp!* For shame, humanity.

But just like her, we need to ignore all of that junk going on around us and start to focus more on what's important in life, and even to add eternal life to this mix.

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