Thursday, September 5, 2013

▲A Magical Blog about dinosaurs by Josiah Clements▲

A Magical Blog about dinosaurs by Josiah Clements

So on Sunday night we watched Jurassic Park out on the lawn of the hub. Hurray for free soda, popcorn, candy, and movies!

Jurassic park has the tone of a fun-thrilling movie that you can just sit back and turn your brain off to enjoy, but I’ve decided to give my thoughts and reflections on it because if you actually keep your brain on (which I recommend you always do), you can find that there are some heavy themes running through the veins of Jurassic park.

The main theme is summed up in one line by Jeff Goldblum’s character Dr. Ian Malcolm: “Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.” Dr. Malcolm said this to John Hammond (the man who built Jurassic Park) in regards to John’s scientist bringing back dinosaurs from extinction. This is the big message that stood out to me. Or rather, two messages that stood out to me:

·      Don’t play god.


·      Just because we can doesn’t mean we should.

How far is too far? We have achieved amazing things through science that have helped all of mankind. So what’s the limit? I don’t know. But I do know one thing: Playing god is dangerous. Just as God’s creations turned on him, so did the dinosaurs turn on the scientists. Except in the scientist’s case, the dinosaurs ate their faces. This is one of the thoughts that lingered in my mind throughout the movie.

Another more positive theme through out the movie was that “Life finds a way.” Nature adapts, even when you try to control and restrain it, it still comes back. And it will eat your face.


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