Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pleasantville.... Just an Elaborate Version of the World

Okay guys so if you missed it my first post for today was The Selfish Giant a Part of Genesis? So check that out if you want. This post is going to focus around the video clip that Professor Leeper showed us of Pleasantville where the characters are shown some in black and white and others in color as well as the scenery.

This movie shows very much so that some people today have no idea who they are and others know exactly who they are. While nobody is actually black and white, the people who don't know themselves in this video are just that while the people who do know who they are have been represented in color. Aside from all the famous actors in this movie I was spellbound by the “black-and-white” meaning that was within the movie about knowing ones self. The mother in the movie is in transition of discovering herself, and she tries to hide it because she is scared of what she will discover about herself. I find that a lot of times in my life that people I know as well as myself want everything to be so simple that we try to make ourselves that way, or that some of the people I know have no idea who they are. That sometimes we wish ourselves to be simple even though we know deep down who we are as a person, or are slowly discovering who we are and we choose to ignore it. They say that all art has a meaning, and for me in this movie the meaning is stay true to yourself, don't be afraid of what other people will see or what you will learn about yourself. Sometimes I think that we as humans forget that we were all made different, and that even though a majority of people want us to conform to being the same as them that we must not fear being ourselves even if that makes us unpopular.

As one of the “popular” kids from my high school, there was once a time where I was made fun of because I sought to be myself, not who everyone else wanted me to be. Eventually people began to appreciate me for who I was and actually began to admire how different I was from everyone else. I myself fit into pretty much every clique in school because I simply was myself and not just the jock that everyone wanted me to be. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't be afraid to be yourself for fear of being rejected by your peers, because those who are true to themselves won't wish for you to be exactly as they are. I apologize for running so far over 200 words but it was just something I had to get out.

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