Sunday, December 8, 2013

Zack Snyder

Let's talk about Zack Snyder.

More specifically, how he has helped shape the modern movie landscape. This is the part where I start yelling like a little kid and complain about how movies are horrible now a days and what not. No, but seriously it is apparent that he, Christopher Nolan and Micheal Bay have seeped into everything coming out of Hollywood these days. From the overuse of slow motion to the mass explosion epidemic and the focus on how many cars can be flipped in two hours, a pattern is not hard to spot. But lets really take a look at what Zack Snyder has produced.
With it's incredible scope and absolutely amazing cinematography, 300 was truly a landmark in the modern film age. Some argue that The Matrix was the piece that changed the movie landscape. In actuality it was just the first domino in a trail that comes to 300. The commercial success made this type of film more appealing to big name producers and therefore easier to profit from. Then came...
The Graphic Novel that could not be made into a movie. Which Zack Snyder made into a movie. An awesome movie. Not only did it somehow capture all of the elements that made the graphic novel so incredible but it also gave each character the time to develop the level of depth that they needed. The film was even brave enough to alter one of the most iconic aspects of graphic novel, the ending, (I wont spoil it for you) and actually made an ending that a lot of fans prefer. What's next?
                                                           Okay what's next? 

Now I have not seen Man of Steel, yet, however I have seen a pretty apparent split in reactions between people who like the movie and those who do not. I can't judge until I have seen it so I don't have much to talk about on the matter. Although I had the ending spoiled for me, and I really like the decision to do what they did. It was brave and I think it was the right choice.

So what's the point of all of this? Well, it upsets me to see so many films that look the exact same coming out in the past couple of years. But then I took a step back and thought about looking at what the Genesis was, while it can be traced to Zack Snyder, he is actually a very good film maker who makes a lot of movies that I really enjoy. It is not him that is the issue, it's us. Because we are so willing to accept the same thing over and over again Hollywood keeps giving us the same thing over and over again. Now you may be asking yourself; what should we do, stop going to the movies? No, we wait. This whole "Slow-Mo, Explosion, Action-Fest" is no different from the Western Film craze that swept through America in the 40s and 50s. Eventually the people grew tired of it and the market changed. Eventually we will move on to something that else I hope it's better, it may not be but, we could be surprised.    

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