Sunday, December 8, 2013


Where is the cool place for YouTubers to hang out? Why at a convention of course! What convention you ask? VidCon! This nifty little convention was created by Hank and John Green (Known as the Vlogbothers on YouTube and you know – THEY WRITE BOOKS.)

VidCon was created for YouTubers to create contacts and to grow their brand or you know… Just to party! They have two tracks: Industry and Community. In the Industry track attendees have access to panel about how to grow their audience and essentially make money off of their content! The Community track is just as it sounds – THE YOUTUBE COMMUNITY. Attendees in this track still have access to other Youtubers but they’re simply there for the big giant party called VidCon.

I will be attending the 5th Annual VidCon at the end of June 2014 and I am incredibly excited! I’m going with one of my best friends and can’t wait to experience this event! If you have plans of going to Anaheim at the end of you June you should come to VidCon!

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