Sunday, December 8, 2013

Too cool to school

     School of Rock just screams Jack Black. I'm certain whatever director hires Jack Black to act in his film, he knows that the writer will have to make room for Jack's improvisation. Personally, he is one of my favorite actors. Sure he is over the top and he can be a bit crude, but its his energy and devotion that puts him at the top of my list. That and I truly enjoy the music the envelopes much of his films, from Tenacious D to School of Rock.
    I love the lesson that School of Rock teaches, and I agree that there should be a greater push for arts in our education system. I understand the need for core curriculum, but the weight of these topics compared to others is far out of balance. Sometimes for the sake of greater good we need to bend the rules a bit. After it is those who think outside of the box that progress our kind forward. Then again isn't that the contribution of all creativity in our culture?
     This is perfectly embodied by this film. Taking a group of talented individuals with the direction of a deviant, magnificent production comes to fruition. Through a bit of wiggling through the system and pulling a few strings Jack Black gets to just a position to do this, but near the end it begins to fall down upon him. The fear of the parents, and the structure of the school comes to bring judgement upon the class. At the last moment, the parents come to see their children perform that which they have been working on for so long, and they leave the audience amazed.
     It is sad that we are often scared to take a chance and put ourselves out there, when it can result in awesomeness.

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