Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Master and Psychology

   Not too long ago, rorschach's and asking questions to find out more on a person was discussed in my psychology class, I immediately thought of The Master. It’s somewhat, as in to avoid dispute, based on L. Ron Hubbard and his creation of scientology. The film is astounding in every aspect, but I’m only going to discuss one scene. 
   In a “processing” scene, Hubbard, Dodd, is asking Freddie loads of questions. He finds Freddie and thinks he could learn a lot from him through analyzation and interviews, or “processing.” Dodd asks the first set of questions with no special rules and Freddie enjoys it. After that ends Freddie wishes it to continue, so Dodd takes it to the next level. This time he has to answer the questions faster than he had to the first time and be able to not blink throughout it all. If he does, they have to start over. He fails shorty after beginning, so they start again. This time he finishes, but it was no easy task. As the questions were asked, they steadily became more personal. By doing this, the questions are answered quicker than the ones in the beginning, and because of that, the truth is far more likely to come out.
   From what I could find, this isn’t something actually done, and it surprised me. I feel this would be a great technique, depending on the interviewee, but perhaps it’s because of two great performances and an outstanding director. It’s not exactly as effective as a rorschach, but I believe they go hand in hand.

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