Monday, December 2, 2013

Seven Bros for Seven....umm....somethings that rhymes...what could it be?

Never call me Frankincense again!
I had some doubts about this show before we started. I had never been in a musical before but bless my beautiful hide; not a production have I been in that was better than Seven Brides. The cast that we had to work with was so great and everyone was very encouraging to one another. Sean and I were definitely two of the people that had the least dance experience and it was a struggle for myself in particular. Once the two of us got it down we did pretty well I
Us sexy brothers!
think. The two people that had the most influence in this production, although it pains me to say it, were not myself and Sean but were Maggie Gilliam (Milly) and Josh Cookingham (Adam). They were both constantly encouraging the cast and both of them helped the other actors through by showing complete investment. Both of them made excellent choices that really developed their characters and helped other people pull from their actions. Maggie had many points during the musical where I could tell she was fully invested and connected in the scene and the actions going on around her – specifically the Social. If I ever lost my investment in the scene I just had to look at Maggie. I felt that every choice she made was honest and believable. One time the button of my pants popped off, and she saw me struggling with keeping my pants up. She came right over and in perfect character, tried to assist me in fixing my pants. It was things like this that showed her complete investment into the scene and helped us pull of a truly fun, enjoyable, and fantastic musical. 
Look at that ax jumping beauty!

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree about Maggie and Josh. Also a huge shout out goes to Rachel Ellis, the stage manager, and her two assistants Sam Ellis and Amber Zangari. They were our only crew and did fantastic work
