Monday, December 2, 2013

Are You Sure You Get It? (Only God Forgives)

   Recently over Thanksgiving break, as Mason said, we had the pleasure of viewing Nicolas Winding Refn's Only God Forgives. I had highly recommended the film to him for I loved it. The visuals, the color palette, the story, everything. The film truly is beautiful, yet critics weren't too appreciative of what he brought to the table. I'm sure there's plenty of reasons for why critics, as well as ordinary viewers, disliked it, but I seriously believe that I could persuade them otherwise with one detail.
   The film is very limited with the amount of dialogue, and that isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. The story is told through imagery to spellbinding affect. Slight spoilers now follow. Ultimately, this is a film about good and evil, and within the film is a godlike character as well as a devilish one. Ryan Gosling is caught between both of them in one nightmare of a ride. As I said, this is a visually heavy film, so those who blink can certainly miss something big. The devil character is seen to be a monster of a human, and when some of the most anti-religious scenes occur, the "devil" is seen even for a few seconds either before or while it occurs. To the simple, it's nothing, but it's huge in a film such as this. To prove the character's matching with the devil even more, in one of those scenes with a quick shot of the devil, he/she is seen looking out a penthouse window over the city, as if in control of the world. I guarantee that there are many people who missed things like this, but it's nothing to be ashamed of, just give it another go.
   Only God Forgives can truly go either way with people, but before one dismisses it as nothing, he/she should take a closer look.

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