In a world where fantasy and reality collide, one ten year old boy will bridge the gap between having fun, and assisting murder. Yes this film is one of those films, where one boy is having fun, and winds up assisting with murder. This time the ten year old boy, whose father gave him a game called Satan's Little Helper is the character you follow. He wishes to find Satan on Halloween night to assist him in taking people to hell, no I'm not kidding, this boy's dream is to help Satan drag people to hell.
Well unfortunately for the town, and fortunately for Satan the boy indeed finds him and starts his night of murderous activity by luring his older sister's boyfriend to a costume shop to dress up as Satan from the game, seeing as his costume is the helper. Instead he cooperates with Satan to kill the boyfriend, and as they are walking back from the costume shop, Satan attacks the boyfriend by pulling him into a dark alley. However, he does not manage to kill him, unknown to the boy and Satan.
The boy then proceeds to take Satan home with him where he is taken for the boyfriend in costume and has some very interesting scenes interacting with the sister while fooling both of them. All the while the boy and Satan leave sporadically to commit more murders and even go to the store and get a bunch of different things that Satan has planned to use to kill people and take them to hell this Halloween night. Eventually the sister realizes that this is simply not her boyfriend and I will leave it there because it will spoil the ending if I continue further.
What I took from this movie was that there are a lot of people who wear different "masks" in life, and who try to hide who they really are and that we not only need to be open to those people and try and get to know the real person that they are. However, that we should also be careful of some of these people because beneath their "mask" could be someone more sinister than we could ever have imagined that person to be...
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