Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pony Spotlight: Pinkie Pie

     Number five on the list is Pinkie Pie. The absolute insanity of the show wrapped into one character. She is a nutcase. She is known in the town for hosting parties, some for the most trivial reasons. With an extremely outgoing personality, smiles are all that matter to her. Working in a party shop making cakes, and selling party goods, she is never short handed when it comes to prop gags or random jokes. She is a bit on the loony side, constantly living in her own world. Although that doesn't keep her from being kind, and nothing keeps her from being happy as long as her friends are around.
     The writers utilize her as the comic relief all the time, often breaking the fourth wall, and at times breaking physics for a giggle. While she is as loved and dynamic as any character in the show, she is often utilized as a wildcard to keep the story lighthearted. She fits into a very small spot that teeters between, the comic relief, a realistic character, a developing personality, and having motives, flaws, and an appeal.
    When it comes to this group of friends she is definitely a catalyst that keeps things moving, as well as keeps the humor flowing. As a key part of friendship, her element of friendship is laughter. Because who wants to be friends without a few laughs.

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