Sunday, December 8, 2013

Online Art Collection

I just wasted a whole day. I am ashamed of myself. What was I doing? Spending way too much time on deviantART. Why? Because people are too awesome. Everyone can laugh and find this unimportant but to me, this site is brand new; I’ve heard of it before but never had the chance to actually explore (no Internet). Would I waste a whole day again? Yes and I have.
Yes, it is only the logo, but I don't want to post somebody else's art somewhere else without them knowing or permission

Anyway, this site is amazing; one can find almost anything here in any medium under any topic. And the thing is, it is not professional based; anyone and everyone is able to place their art for all to see. And while some might not be my cup of tea, the style expressed is so rich. Sure there are some things that are more hurried but it is so interesting to see how one artist grew in their style over time. I admire these people, having the courage to place their art out there to be judged because I now how hard it is, especially when one sees other art that is better (because there always is). Everyone is all together, giving feedback and encouragement. Oh, on a final note, I got super excited when I found certain people on the site. They were professionals…drawing comics…for Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic book! Browsing around, I saw something that looked like their style, got to their gallery and it was! Not going to lie, I was ridiculously excited (I have found 4 so far).

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