Sunday, December 8, 2013

Another Blog

Leeper...most likely on his soapbox
It is finally the end of the year (Hallelujah!) and these stupid blogs are almost over. Even after a whole semester, I still do not like them. Take that all you teachers who insist that the more one expresses their thoughts (like in speeches) the easier it gets (all lies). My thoughts and opinions are not important nor does anyone want or care to hear them. It mainly turns into this awkward ramble that even I do not get. And truly, does anyone really read these blogs besides the ones in their little friend group? I know I haven’t read any, but that is usually because I know nothing of what they are talking about. Everyone has goals; I don’t (I am kind of a pointless person in life taking up space).
The class overall was…interesting I think is the only word to describe it (maybe unique?). There were many times where I had to wonder where Leeper got this stuff and then others that were WHERE Leeper got this stuff. Certainly kept things interesting. But that is probably what Leeper would say digital media art is: the weird and the beautiful. Though I still hate blogs (will not change).

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