Sunday, December 8, 2013

I should have done these blogs throughout the year

So clearly I should have stayed with the blogs and done them throughout the year. I mean this is just plain stupid. I've done about 25 blogs within the past 2 days. And I know my friend Craig has done like 30 just today. Him and I kind of should have done these throughout the year and we made a really dumb decision and I know he would agree with me. Anyways this class has been extremely amazing and very eye opening! I learned a lot about the world I suppose, I mean this class wasn't just limited to learning about stuff in Digital Media Arts. It has really shown me a lot. Like how I should have done the readings throughout the year as well. Those were sure fun... I mean every time Leeper would ask the class if we read, there was like maybe four or five people who raised their hands and actually did the readings, and who knows one of those kids probably just raised their hand to get on Leeper's good side. There is a lot I regret doing for this class, but it is what it is and I know that I learned the hard way and I will definitely encourage the incoming freshman next year to seriously get on it and do all thirty in the first week. Boy thats a good idea.

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