Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hi Ma!

     I absolutely love Heima! From the pastoral scenes of planes to the time lapse of clouds floating above the mountains, to fog arising from the canopy. Every shot of this is absolutely beautiful.  it takes a whole new look at the world we live in. Allowing us to experience it in a whole new way, along with their music.
     This transcendental experience is one worth seeing. It follows a band of four traveling from one locale to another performing full concerts for free. Often times set up in breathe-taking landscapes. Their music amplifies the wonder and beauty of the world we live in.
     The movie is entitled "Heima" which translates to "Home." Their message gives us a calling to experience our home our world in a whole new fashion, seeing the trees and rushing water as living and full as ourselves, connecting one being to another. The videography of this meets the balance of telling their story, advertising their music, and glorifying the beauty of the world we live in, all while serving each community with song and service. I am So glad I got to see this before graduating.
     This movie is beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

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