Sunday, December 8, 2013

Forks over Knives

I watched a documentary called Forks over Knives. It talked about how the western diet can lead to more heart disease and cancer than ever before. The movie was packed full with scientific and medical proof that our diet here in America, is one of the worst. They did studies on our diets with animal products and oils in it and without animal products or high levels of oil. Just by eating whole food, plant based diets people not only lost weight, they reversed diabetes and cancer growth. Some scientists also did some test on lab rats giving them protein from animal's milk like what we drink here, and found that when given animal's milk protein cancer cells grew, then they were given plant protein and the cancer cells decreased. We have focused our meals on meat and dairy so much here in America and put grains and vegetables on the side and it is effecting not only our weight but out health as well. So along with portion sizes we need to think about what we are putting into our bodies. Maybe we should start living off the land again like our ancestors used to have to, so that we can live happier, healthier, and longer lives.

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