Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Beauty Standards

In today’s society, the media has drastically transformed the standards for being considered “beautiful”. These days, size zero is seen as the perfect body type in modeling agencies. The reality is that not many people are born that size nor could they ever really obtain it in a healthy manner. The ideals of beauty have been warped into a false reality where only the skinny people are viewed as attractive. Such ideals are shown immensely through the videos below, where much editing is applied to the already beautiful young women.

The statement that the media is giving us is incredibly wrong, as all shapes and sizes are gorgeous. Whether you’re smaller, larger, or average, everyone is uniquely born and should embrace their differences. However, it is very hard for people, especially teens and young adults, to uphold confidence in their beauty. The media is constantly targeting us with their ads and magazines of which mostly contain photoshopped models and celebrities. They try to convince us that there is such a thing as attaining perfection in your appearance with the clothes and products they sell. But beauty isn’t simply gained through products, hair dye, and tanning beds. Everyone is born perfect the way they are. You don’t need photoshop or manufactured goods to feel good about yourself. It’s very sad that some people really do believe the lies that the media tells them. We should never compare ourselves to others in a way that would make us feel inferior. We need to embrace our uniqueness and celebrate our differences.

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