Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I Was Unsure of How Many Blogs We Needed So I Made Another


     Before I begin my blog I would like to make two public service announcements: 
1)I illustrated a book over the summer and the writer has a Facebook page for it and a trailer so y'all should get out there and like and share so we can get it published:

2) There are a bunch of really cool blogs that were posted at the same time in a manner that isn't suspicious at all and you should read them.
The subject should look similar to this.

That is all.


    Yep, it's that time of the year. The grades are all due for a mid semester check, and we, being the excellent students we are, have all decided to put off these posts until the last minute. I honestly have no clue how many blogs we should have by now, so I figure one more couldn't hurt.

     With that being said, I would like to talk about scrolling (in regards to social media, such as Facebook or Twitter). It has easily become a big part of our lives, but why do we do it? To waste time? To learn? To catch up on what our friends are doing? I feel as though a lot of what we do on the internet has become mostly a way to shut off the brain for a bit. It's quite relaxing, actually, and I once heard a statistic about how kids these days are smarter now than ever because of the vast free database that is constantly available to them, but at the same time I feel like we're not really missing all that much if we decided to take like two minutes to switch away and do some homework or study. It's something I've really been trying to work on since coming to college, but as the semester wears on it's harder and harder to motivate myself to just do my homework.
     During a stressful day, however, scrolling does have its advantages by helping me to blow off some steam and just rest for a while. We're supposed to be busy in college, I think, but having times to rest is also an important part of this experience. 
     Yeah, scrolling is fun, but I think there's a point to where it's past brain deadness, it's just... Not worth my time. 
There are so many dang pictures in this blog post that I could publish a freaking picture book.

     Since realizing this, I've become increasingly bored with the websites I frequent, and this is a problem, because on days when my homework is already done, I find myself really, REALLY bored. I guess that's why I spend way too much time on these paint cartoons (done ever so expertly with a mouse), or why I'm putting off studying for my other midterms by writing this blog. Time management is an important life skill to learn, especially in this stage of our lives, but it sucks. I guess practice makes perfect..
     Speaking of scrolling, I've also noticed that we only read the small tidbits that we can get within a few seconds instead of taking the time to read a very well thought out statement. I do it all the time on this blog; I only want to read the short stuff, and I think I'm seriously missing out on some wonderful material and thoughts that y'all have. I'm really going to make an effort to stop mindlessly scrolling and read for content instead of length. I can't wait to see what you guys will be blogging about the next half of this semester! 
      Have a good break!
You guys it's so dang cold up here I wish it was warmer and summer weather again but it might as well be snowing already.

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