Friday, September 13, 2013

The Film With Subtle Truths of Humanity

      I am not going to give a summary of the movie because, I believe that the movie is something that needs to be watched instead of read about. When I was watching the Kurosawa film “Drunken Angel” I found my self wanting to find some deep meaning or analogy. I quickly learned I was wrong. Instead of some deep meaning I realized that the film was about the truth of humanity. Not only was it conveying the truth about humanity, the truth was displayed in both a subtle and bold way. 
The way it conveyed the truth of humanity reminded me of a time I was trying to find where my dad had hidden the birthday presents. I looked everywhere from the closet, under the bed, in the garage, the attic you name it! When in fact my dad hid my big birthday present in plain sight, on top of the grandfather clock, and I didn’t see it until after he showed me. My eyes literally ignored the present, even after walking by it in plain sight several times, as I continued to search in more complex places. Sometimes I believe its harder to see the truth of our everyday lives and the things be do because, we simply don’t want to believe what we have made humanity into. 
The part that got me the most was when the doctor, Sanada, was buying eggs to bring back to his patient Matsunaga. Meanwhile the doctor had no idea that Matsunaga ignored his orders to stay in bed, instead Matsunaga was out fighting Okada. Despite the many reasons Matsunaga had to fight Okada, I believe he mainly wanted to win back the part of town he ruled, that had been taken by Okada. The reason I found this scene so impacting was because, it was unbelievably true. When we get ahold of something that we can call ours we don’t want to let go, we fight for it, even if it is causing us great harm. Despite how much someone is trying to help, we disregard it and turn a blind eye, even it is causing us great harm.
This scene reminded me of how I view my art and how God sees the way I view my art. Often times I shy away from showing my art because, I fear what others will think. I don’t want to lose peoples support, when my art isn’t good enough for them, so I don’t show them. Some one once said to me that I need to get over my self, other wise God will not be able to use my talents for his glory. That person is right. God knows my fear is causing harm but, all the help he is doing won't work until I let go. It’s no longer time to ignore the truth of humanity but, to accept it. Its time to let go, and embrace both God and the talents he has for me.  

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