Monday, September 23, 2013



Ah, the onion. Delightfully perceptive and brutally mocking.

After I finished laughing at this hilarious video, it brought some familiar thoughts to my mind.

When analyzing movies I often have to pull myself back. There’s a part me that wants to dig really deep into a film and draw meaning from every little thing. I want to pick it apart and inspect it under a ridiculously sized private-eye magnifying glass. But there’s the other side of me that tugs at my sleeves and draws me away. I have this fear of becoming like those pretentious snobs I see at art galleries sometimes, looking at a canvas painted yellow and explaining how it represents the moral dilemma of humanity, when in all reality it’s just a damn canvas painted yellow. I think that this video by the Onion is poking fun at people like that, and indeed they do seem incredibly silly. However, is it such a crime to come away with meaning that wasn't intended?

Art is supposed to inspire and evoke thought. A bucket might just be a bucket to me, but to someone else it could mean an emptiness that needs to be filled, or childhood memories of playing on a beach, or a flying saucer for all I know.

I think the important thing is not the artist’s intentions, but rather what the viewer comes away with.



  1. That video made me laugh xD I'm always scared of over analyzing too, but it's also really fun to "over analyze" your own stuff and tell it to people just to mess with them P:

  2. OHMYGOSH I TOTALLY JUST FINISHED MY COMMENT BEFORE THE END OF THE VIDEO AND WHEN THEY TALKED ABOUT THE GAY VELOCIRAPTORS OHMYGOSH LOL but the schindler's list thing is taking it a bit too far, though it's still pretty hilarious :333333
