Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Life of Pi

     So this movie, as most know, is based on the book by Yann Martel and came out about last November. The book and movie were perceived differently by everyone. It starts out as grown Pi stating "I have a story that will make you believe in God". The two versions of his story in the water are strikingly similar, but which to believe is up to you. I love that it doesn't push you in one direction or another, it leads you along and lets you make your own conclusions.
     Deep down we always hope that the movie will be decent and remotely follow the book it came from; I must say, this is one of the few I can say did a fantastic job on following the book. They left out a few details but that's bound to happen when you turn an entire book into a two hour movie. One part in particular the movie left out was surprising to me: (kind of a spoiler in the book) -When Pi was on the boat with Richard Parker, before they reached the meercat island, the two of them went blind and another boat came along with a man in it. I myself think it didn't really happen but instead he imagined it, because they hinted at it being his brother who obviously died on the ship. -
     The beginning was a bit rushed as well; when he was first on the boat with the animals, but again, I can understand time management. Overall though, they beautifully brought this book to life onscreen with gorgeous graphics and outstanding musical numbers. It has become my second favorite movie and one of my favorite books as well.
     Although I have to say, I cried so hard in the theater. Woo woo, all aboard the feels train. lolz
I finally watched it for the second time and I noticed it's a lot better when you're not crying your face off.


  1. What a wonderful film. It was nearly as good as the book (in my opinion if it was PG-13 instead of PG they could have done the whole book instead of adding the love interest), have you read it? I didn't even realize it was fiction until I had almost finished the book, and I LOVE how they did Richard Parker in the movie.

    1. Yeah, the book was amazing. It went into a lot more depth than the movie but I enjoyed them both. And I agree, they could've maybe went further with it at PG-13.

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