Monday, September 2, 2013


Hello!  My name is Rebecca Strong and I am from St. Joe, IN.  For those of you who have no idea where that is (which would probably be most), it is a small town located about a ½ hour north of Ft. Wayne (and that would be following State Road 101).  I am new at this blogging thing so please forgive me right now if this whole post is awkward.
I am a freshman and I am majoring in Animation.  To be honest, there is actually no specific reason why I chose this major.  I really love art and at my high school I took whatever art classes were offered (Drawing, Painting, Ceramics). There was never really anything that dealt with the digital side.  To sum it up, I chose animation because it sounded like it would be fun and interesting to learn.
As for a little bit about me, I am from a pretty big family (about 8 people).  I am the oldest of the 6 kids, which means that I am the first to go to college.  Yay guinea pig status (not)!   I usually spend my time at home reading (basically anything: fiction stories, old classics, informational books, art books, comics, manga, etc.) or drawing.  I also love watching movies, especially the animated ones or as my dad calls them “cartoons.”

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