Monday, September 16, 2013

EVE Online: Thematic Movies

I'll be the first to admit it; EVE Online is an awesome game. The best even! However, I will also be the first to admit that fleet fights in the game can look pretty boring from the perspective of the outside viewer. However, aside from the cinematic trailers that the developer CCP puts out with every big event and expansion (all of which use in-game graphics) it's often the players who make the most impacting movies.

EVE is a game just celebrating ten years of life, and though it's smaller than other, more popular games of it's MMO genre (World of Warcraft and Runescape as an example), it has, by far, the most dedicated fan and player-base. The open sandbox style gameplay allows players to literally do anything they want, with very little restrictions.

Here are a few examples (be sure you have some time before watching Rooks and Kings Clarion Call 3).

(CCP's EVE Online: Retribution game trailer)

(Rooks and Kings Clarion Call 3)

("Best EVE online movie ever")

(The Dronelands War)

(Day of Darkness II)

And I'll leave off with one of the most iconic EVE music videos on the net

(This is EVE II)

There are so many more videos I want to post, but I know that many of you don't have that much time to view them. So I'll keep the approximate time consumption to a minimum. But fear not! If you like these vids, I'll be posting more EVE machinima in the future! 

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