Monday, September 9, 2013

If school were like this...

Last night I went to Signs and Wonders where the movie School of Rock was played.  I had never seen it before and it was AWESOME!  I can’t really say if I am a good judge on whether a movie is considered good or not.  I enjoy watching movies that entertain me, whether with intrigue, action/adventure, or just plain comedy.  However, at the end of the movie Professor Leeper proposed a question to the audience: “what make this a good music movie?”  Some people said it was the passion shown for the music, others that it conveyed reason (“stick it to the man” HAHA).  I think that there were many reasons that this is a good music movie.  First, even though some would consider this a minor point, I think the music played, the quality and catchiness, helped in making this a music movie.  Passion played a role in this, yes, because without it there would be no drive behind the feelings that the actors are trying to convey.
However, I think what makes it a good music movie is that we, as an audience, are able to see the work and feelings that go into making music mean something to the listeners.  It shows the practice and the study of past artists so that the next generation can create something new.  The movie allowed others, who were not musically talented to appreciate and understand the music in a way.
Look at this face. You can't help but want to know what is it that makes him so passionate about the music

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