Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Dark Side is Strong with this One

So after getting out of class on the 10th, I had to and eat at Loew-Brenn because I have 30 minutes before my next class. Sadly is not enough time to eat at the DC and still get to the Science Hall. Anyway, after I sat down, Mason asked if he could sit down. Me being the antisocial person that I am said OF COURSE. So we started talking about the class we had just gotten out of. We talked about how we both loved the Buster Keaton videos because of it being so unique and done for real. I had a mini heart attack when I saw him hanging on the edge of a hot air balloon. 

Next we talked about Lunch Date video. We started off by talking about when we both realized that she was in the wrong booth. We both initially thought that someone had gone by and stolen her things from her booth, when she was gone. We then talked about the idea of racism in the video. If it was the black guy who was stealing food can you imagine how everyone would have acted in that time? This brought up an idea in my mind. I had thought in the middle of the video that the black guy previously had stolen her things, even though there was no real evidence of this happening. This had to bring up the question of my mind personally  Was I racist by thinking that previous thought? After some time to think, I think I have figured it out. On one side, yes I was racist t think that. I guess I will have to work on this problem. On the other side, it was director's plan to make me think that thought. He intended me to think this thought. You could go so far as to say that he was trying to point out this dark side in people, thus resulting in a change in people. 

The Art of Digital Media has power. That is exactly what this whole experience proves. If I continue to go through this class I will probably find more things I need to change in myself, but that is how people grow. We see the dark in us and thus we attempt to change. A great way to see your dark side is to read the Bible of course. I think we need to take more time to reflect on what we are told in the Bible. Long story short, be open to change and read the Bible.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it was racist for you to assume that he was stealing her salad. Personally, it wouldn't have mattered to me whether the homeless man was black or white, I still would have thought it was her salad simply because there was no reason not to. The director intentionally misdirected you to believe that it was her salad because if you hadn't, there would be no punch line. I agree that the short was more about how the woman perceived the black man as untrustworthy and dishonest solely because of his race and his overall appearance and also because of her previous encounters with similar looking people.

    So I definitely do not think you should feel racist at all for reacting the way you did.
