Friday, September 20, 2013

Fresh Guacamole

Today I found this cool stop motion animated short film called "Fresh Guacamole" which was nominated for an Oscar last year. Clocking in at just over a minute and a half, it's the shortest film to ever be nominated at the Academy Awards, and on top of that, the concept of the film is mind-blowingly simple. It's about a guy that uses unconventional ingredients to make a bowl of guacamole.

I, too, like my guacamole with large chunks of plastic in it.
There's not really much to say about this film since there's really nothing to find hidden underneath the surface. If somehow this is a film about the evils of consumerism, it has gone completely over my head. However, I found the amount of creativity that went into the details fascinating, the animation incredibly smooth, and I loved that there are little surprises in every shot.

Definitely check it out for yourself! It's only a minute and forty-one seconds of your time!


  1. Last year my local theater showed all the short films that were nominated in this category. This one was a stand out no doubt. Have you seen 'Head Over Heels?' It was also nominated that same year. The funny thing is that it's a student film! Here's the link:

    1. I have not, but I'll check it out! Until this year I didn't really watch short films so I'm trying to binge watch a bunch of the Oscar nominated ones. I'll add this to my list! Thanks Emerald :)

    2. Okay, I just ended up watching it now, but it was amazing! Very touching story about overcoming obstacles to be with the one you love. I think that they never stopped loving each other (biggest evidence is that they would always move the wedding picture to their side) but they just could not find a way to make their situation livable. It was easier to move on and pretend the other one didn't exist. Amazing that it is a student film.

    I very much enjoyed this. The transitions between the different objects are very polished. It was interesting to see what the objects turned into as the video progressed.
    Emerald- That was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. They portray a couple that has grown apart in a very unique and beautiful way. It is such a sweet film! :)

  3. I actually have a chance to sit down and have lunch with PES in December. He has an exhibit at an art gallery I worked at and my "boss" is going to try and set me up. I'm super excited about it and hope it works out. I'm a huge fan of his and have been watching his stuff since 2008-2009.
