Monday, September 2, 2013

Dustin Newman Intro

Hello everyone, I'm not sure how to begin, Blogging is new to me so I guess I'll begin with the things I like. Here lately I've been getting into reading (more educational literature than anything else) the music I enjoy listening to is elector  but the one thing I enjoy most is drawing. That is the one constant in my life that never gets old. It has always been my desire to be an animator ever since my elementary teacher first challenged me with the question on "what would I like to be in the future as an adult". That desire never left, to imagine my drawings coming to life has always captivating my imagination but after high school when it was time to start college, my fear of failing prevented me from pursuing my desire at the time. For most people their decisions revolve around what makes them happy or what they think would make them happy, for me it's fear. My main reason now for being here at Huntington University (10 years after high school) is the fear that I will have the same crummy job for the rest of my life. I figure that there will always be crummy jobs of labor waiting for me but I will never be an animator unless I go to school for it and challenge myself.

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