Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The word dualism comes from the Latin duo that means two; this means that dualism deals with the relationship between two forces.
In Chinese philosophy it refers to the Ying and Yang. In theology it refers to the relationship between God and His creation.  In my head it means the conflict of whether God and art can coexist.

I had a dream a couple of nights ago where you were given two ultimate options.  These were the options: you could choose to stay here on Earth living forever as an artist without God or you could choose to go with God to heaven. If you chose to go with God you had to drink from a cup that would kill you and send you straight to heaven in a two hour margin. I remember I drank from the cup, however, as I was waiting for my death I slightly regretted my choice.  When I woke up I started thinking about it and realized that the feeling of regret I had felt wasn't because I had chosen God but because I hadn't chosen art.

We as artists sometimes think that we have to choose between those two forces.  I believe that God and art can belong together.  The feeling of regret I felt in my dream was because I had left out something that means so much to me like it is art. Why do we have to choose between the two when they can perfectly belong together?

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