Friday, September 13, 2013

Drunken Angel

I didn't know what to expect from the movie going into it. After watching Drunken Angel, I didn't know what to think. I had trouble following the plot a bit and was only concentrating on that aspect. After we had the discussion afterwards, I felt like I wasn't even watching the same movie as everyone else. People seemed to pick up on symbols, metaphors and meanings very quickly and I realized that I missed all those things when I was watching. 

I felt like an awful DMA student. It's hard to process and analyze a film on the first take. I always found that multiple viewings made me think on a deeper level, and I would find things that I missed the first or second time. To me, the first time I watch a movie I just try to understand the story and the characters. The second time I watch something is always easier for me to pick up those things since I don't have to concentrate so hard on story. 

After having the discussion though, I appreciated the film more and want to someday revisit it. I applaud all of you who caught all the meanings the first go around. Excited to watch more! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you that's it's much easier to pick up on metaphors and symbolism on the second watch. I also think before you truly try and analyze a movie for deeper meaning you have to really understand the characters and their development.

    I think some good examples of this are Christopher Nolan films (mainly Inception and Memento) because they have such complex plots but also beg you to scrutinize them for deeper meaning. First you have to see how the pieces of the puzzle fit together before you analyze the big picture.
