Sunday, September 8, 2013

Comic Sans Nation

So since we’re blogging on media why now media makers? Once of my favorite YouTubers of all time is mister Gunnarolla. Now most of probably have never heard of him before and that’s probably because he’s Canadian.

Anyways, Andrew makes awesome music and videos to go along with it! He’s super funny and he met another YouTuber named Andrew who ALSO make music. How cool right?? Well there’s one song particular I would like to point to your attention because it draws some very good points to mind.

The Comic Sans song is fun and was made with fanarollas in the Australia! But it points out how we discriminate against a font that yes is over used, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use it! This could be (but probably not I’m just totally reading into it because I need more words) a parallel to our society today where we discriminate against other without getting to know them. We tend to base our opinions of others on what everyone else is saying about them. This is wrong and everyone deserves a chance to be known for who they are.


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