Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Not every dog gets its day: Dog Pound

I was scrolling through Netflix and found this little movie called Dog Pound, a film that follows three characters during their time in juvenile prison. The three characters all have different quirks and traits that make them all unique: Butch, a previous inmate with anger issues, is a fighter, Davis, a ladies man, is a hustler, and Angel, an ex gang-banger who's quite loyal. They all come to the same correctional facility on the same day, and all of them are wronged by this inmate who "runs things" named Banks. After coming together, they face their problem together, and become good friends. Its a darker toned movie, and the end was not happy. However, It is a good film, and well done considering the amount of independent actors. And I by that I mean all of them. If you like crime/prison or darker films, this could be a good one to watch.

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